3 July 2012: George Washington never stayed in the hotel room I'll be sleeping in tonight.
I'm in Massachusetts, in route to Baxter State Park in Maine.
The plan is to hike Katahdin on July 4. Afterwards we'll stroll down the hundred mile wilderness and be done with it. I'll then leave the AT and take my friend back to Ohio, tie up some loose ends and go forth from there.
It's been a struggle considering a life where I am not teaching music.
Is it ever a good idea to take a break from something you love? Is there a time and a place for this sort of separation?
Have you ever had a really good slice of blueberry pie?
People fast all the time from food, to remind us of our utter dependence on God and his grace. Why not fast from vocation, too, to remind us of God's gifts of talent and our calling to work? Absence is presence-- that's what the dark night of the soul is all about.